

- 29 - 31 October 2024: Specialized Data Protection Training: Aligning with the EU General Data Protection Regulation

From October 29–31, 2024, the Home Affairs Programme of the European Union in Kosovo (HAPE Project) organized a specialized training for Data Protection Officers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and the Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAS). The training, delivered in-person by French Expert Guilhem Giraud, brought his extensive expertise to Kosovo, focusing on key aspects of data protection in the law enforcement sector. The session was designed to equip participants—both users and prescribers—with comprehensive knowledge of Data Protection Principles, Basic Cybersecurity Countermeasures, Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs). These vital topics were explored to ensure that all data collection and police operations align with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A central focus of the training was on lawful procedures for intercepting communications and managing sensitive data, helping to ensure that law enforcement personnel can carry out their duties while respecting privacy and legal requirements. This initiative underscores the commitment to strengthening data protection standards within Kosovo’s law enforcement institutions, promoting accountability, transparency, and compliance with European Union standards.

- 25 - 27 October 2024: HAPE hosts a workshop on National Readiness and Exercise Programme in Peja

Exciting developments in emergency preparedness! From October 25 to 27, 2024, the Home Affairs Programme of the European Union (HAPE Project) hosted a crucial Workshop on National Readiness and Exercise Programme in Peja. Key stakeholders from Kosovo's emergency management sectors gathered to collaborate on enhancing national preparedness for both natural and human-induced disasters. Under the guidance of the Emergency Management Agency, representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Defense, and Kosovo Police worked together to draft essential guidelines and identify priorities for strengthening resilience and response capabilities. Finalizing a vital document such as the National Readiness and Exercise Programme by the Emergency Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the support of HAPE Project is a significant step towards ensuring Kosovo's sustainability in the face of unexpected challenges and European integration.

- 17 - 18 October 2024: HAPE Project Supports MIA in Human Resources Development

A productive two-day working group session took place in Peja, focusing on improving human resources development within the Kosovo Police. Supported by the Home Affairs Program of the European Union (HAPE Project), the Ministry of Internal Affairs collaborated with key stakeholders to enhance processes aimed at creating a more efficient, transparent, and inclusive system. Key discussions emphasized professional development, highlighting MIA's commitment to advancing personnel management and ensuring fair, and equal working environment in alignment with the European and international standards.

- 15 - 18 October 2024: Strengthening Data Protection in Kosovo: A Collaborative Effort with the EU

From October 15-18, representatives from the Home Affairs Program of the European Union in Kosovo (HAPE) and Specialized Data Protection Expert Guilhem Giraud met with Ms. Lule Isufi, Acting Director of the Kosovo Institute of Public Administration (KIPA), alongside 16 Data Protection Officers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). The purpose of the visit was to assess the current state of data protection practices and identify key training needs for MIA officials. This initiative is part of HAPE's ongoing efforts to strengthen the capacities of Kosovo’s public administration, helping them align with the EU’s standards on data protection under Chapter 24 of the EU Acquis. Together, we are working towards enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of Kosovo’s data protection framework and ensuring greater compliance with European Union standards.

- 15 - 16 October 2024: European Union through HAPE Project supports Kosovo Police in organizing the International Conference on Forensics

The European Union through HAPE Project is proud to support the two-day International Conference on Forensics organized by the Forensics Department of the Kosovo Police! This event brings together experts from Albania, North Macedonia, and Kosovo, along with valuable insights from Europol and Italian Police. Mr. Massimo Prozzo from the European Union Office in Kosovo emphasized the importance of international cooperation and EU commitment to support Kosovo Police in enhancing forensic practices. Moreover, Mr. Prozzo highlighted that “this event provides an opportunity to share knowledge, exchange best practices, and develop strategic partnerships to address the evolving challenges in the field of forensic investigation.” Mr. Philippe Marie, Deputy Team Leader of HAPE Project in his note stressed the remarkable evolution of forensic science over the past decade and its crucial role in criminal investigations. Major Musli Salihu, shared his insights on the criminal techniques in investigations and the pursuit of justice and the need for continuous improvement. Colonel Florie Hajra, Director of the Division, Mr. Donatas Mazeika, Head of the Forensic Unit from EUROPOL, Mr. Giacomo Roglerio from Italian Police present at the conference, added great value to the discussions during the first day of the conference. We look forward to fostering collaboration and sharing knowledge in the field of forensics.

- 14 - 18 October 2024: Kosovo's Green Commitment: Advancing Environmental Crime Prevention through EU Cooperation

Following the 24th April event on the Environmental protection, from October 14th to 18th, the Home Affairs Programme of European Union in Kosovo (HAPE Project) in cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Interiors – Central Directorate of Criminal Police and the Carabinieri Corps, has organized a study visit in Italy to recalibrate the approach of Kosovo Institutions towards the horizontal system of the environment protection, in compliance with the most advanced EU standards and in line with the “One Health” approach of the European Environmental Agency. In this remit, the Study visit has offered a close-up view on the Institutional commitment of the most relevant actors involved in the preservation of the Territory as well as in the fight against Serious Organized Crime, to prevent the perpetration of high severity offences that might impact on the ecosystem as well as on the human health. The activity, which took place in Sabaudia at the Carabinieri Centre of Excellence for the Environmental Protection and in Rome at the Carabinieri Health Protection Department and the Carabinieri Environmental Protection and Energy Security Department, has seen involved the Ministry of Interiors, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Environment, of Kosovo, as well as the Agency for the Management of the Emergencies and the investigative units of Kosovo Police, to reflect the fact that the subject is unquestionably cross-cutting, and the approach must adapt to the shape of the threat. The EU will continue to assist Kosovo Police and the line ministry to align its capacities and legislation to EU legislation and standards. A safer Kosovo is a safer Europe!

- 8 - 10 October 2024: Collaboration Between Kosovo Forensic Agency and Italian Scientific Police: Developing a Training Program for Kosovo Laboratories During a Study Visit

From October 8 to 10, 2024, experts from the Kosovo Forensic Agency (KFA) collaborated with their Italian counterparts at the Scientific Police and Cyber Security – Forensic Police Service in Rome. This study visit was part of a training initiative designed to enhance the capabilities of Kosovo's forensic laboratories. Organized and funded by the Home Affairs Programme of the European Union in Kosovo (HAPE Project), this three-day visit brought together five KFA laboratory specialists from the Serology and DNA Division, the Chemical Analysis of Narcotics Division, and the Division for Analysis of Arson, Explosives, and Gunshot Residue. The primary goal was to explore training opportunities related to advanced instruments donated by the EU, facilitated by Italian forensic experts. This collaboration aimed to foster continuous forensic education, promote the exchange of knowledge, and expand practical expertise through joint activities between the two countries’ forensic institutions. The study visit followed two previous assessments conducted by the Italian Forensic Police Service at KFA laboratories, where they identified training needs for advanced laboratory equipment and assisted in developing technical standard operating procedures compliant with relevant ISO standards. A final visit is planned to implement the actual training. Participants expressed their confidence in applying the skills and knowledge gained during this training in their daily work. The KFA plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity of the Kosovo judiciary and prosecution, striving to provide accurate evidence in criminal proceedings according to the highest international and EU standards, employing advanced techniques for data interpretation in forensic cases. The EU HAPE Project continues to support the Kosovo Forensic Agency, enhancing the performance and operational capabilities of law enforcement agencies in areas such as organized crime, corruption, terrorism, and forensic science.

- 27 - 29 September 2024: HAPE supports the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Emergency Management Agency in drafting the Program of Exercises and Assessment of National Readiness.

In a collaborative effort led by the Ministry of Internal Affairs/Emergency Management Agency and supported by the HAPE Project, a vital workshop was convened to draft the Program of Exercises and Assessment of National Readiness. This initiative brought together key representatives from the Ministry of Defense, Kosovo Security Council Secretariat, Kosovo Police, Ministry of Health, Professional Unit of Fire Fighting and Rescue, and other essential emergency coordination bodies. As the program development progresses, the HAPE Project remains committed to aiding MIA/EMA in the implementation of legislation and supporting future initiatives, ensuring a robust framework for national readiness. Stay tuned for updates as this important initiative evolves towards finalization.

- 11 - 13 September 2024: HAPE Project supports the Ministry of Internal Affairs in drafting the Communication Sectorial Strategy and Action Plan for 2025-2027

The Home Affairs Programme of the European Union (HAPE Project) supported during last week the Ministry of Interior Affairs (MIA) in organizing a 3-day Workshop for the purpose of drafting the Communication Sectorial Strategy and Action Plan for 2025-2027. Through this Strategy MIA will be able to enhance public communication and align with EU standards. This collaboration led to a productive three-day workshop focused on improving MIA's communication capabilities. Key workshop activities included:

  • Evaluating the implementation of the previous communication strategy.
  • Discussing new strategic objectives collaboratively.
  • Setting specific goals and finalizing activities for these objectives.
The workshop resulted in a comprehensive Draft of the MIA Sector Communication Strategy, ensuring a unified approach to communication efforts and compliance with EU norms. Vigan Hoxha, the HAPE Communication Expert, was instrumental in the workshop, providing expertise and facilitating important discussions. This initiative represents a significant step in enhancing MIA's communication framework and aligning it with EU standards.

- 24 - 26 July 2024: HAPE Project supporting the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Workshop on Drafting the new Law on Weapons.

Exciting developments are underway as the Home Affairs Programme of the European Union Project (HAPE) in Kosovo collaborates closely with Kosovo's Ministry of Internal Affairs to draft the new Law on Weapons. This week, a dedicated 3-day Workshop has brought together participants from key departments such as Legal, Public Safety, EU Integration, and the Minister's Cabinet. Their collective efforts are focused on shaping policies that prioritize public safety and enhance legal clarity, crucial steps towards Kosovo's integration with the European Union. We are privileged to contribute our expert insights to this significant initiative, aimed at strengthening governance and security frameworks in Kosovo.

- 30 May 2024 : HAPE project supported 2 KP officers, for an operational meeting in the framework of EMPACT – on Envicrime, at EUROPOL, in the Hague.

- 27 and 30 May 2024: HAPE Project Environmental Experts from the Italian Carabinieri Corps and the French Gendarmerie Experts, met Acting Chief State Prosecutor to conduct a fact-finding mission and assessment of capacities in fighting environmental crimes in Kosovo.

- 28 May 2024 : HAPE project supported 2 KP officers, for an operational meeting in the framework of EMPACT – on synthetic drugs, at EUROPOL, in the Hague.

- 27- 31 May 2024: Two Italian experts from the Carabinieri Center of Excellence of Sabaudia and two French experts from the French Gendarmerie Command for the Environment and Health, conducted a fact-finding mission on environmental crime in Kosovo.

- 15 – 16 May 2024 : HAPE project supported 2 KP officers, to attend the Skanderberg meeting in Roma.

- 15 – 16 May 2024 : HAPE project supported 3 KP officers, for an operational meeting in the framework of an ongoing trans-border investigation.

- 6th and 10th May 2024: A three-day study visit in Rome, supported by HAPE, at the Carabinieri Corps’ General Staff and ROS (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale - Special Investigations Department) has been concluded by a Delegation of Kosovo Police.

A three-day study visit in Rome, supported by HAPE, at the Carabinieri Corps’ General Staff and ROS (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale - Special Investigations Department) has recently been concluded by a Delegation of Kosovo Police. The primary purpose of the visit was to enhance the technical skills related to the most advanced investigative techniques in use by EU Police forces, in compliance with the Eu acquis, in the framework of the technical intervention of HAPE in favour of its beneficiaries aimed at improving and combatting serious organized crime in Kosovo. The active support to the relevant institutions at the operational level will in turn support Kosovo to advance on its path towards their EU accession by providing tailored support in line with the specific needs of the partner institutions and stakeholders at national level. A safer Kosovo is a safer Europe.

- 30 April 2024: HAPE project supported 2 special prosecutors of the Special Prosecution office of the Republic of Kosovo (SPRK), for an operational meeting in the framework of a Joint investigation team (JIT), with the Federal Prosecution of Belgium, in Brussels.

- 26 April 2024: HAPE Project held its third Steering Committee meeting on 26 April 2024, in Pristina.

The meeting was co-chaired by Mr. Massimo Prozzo - Task Manager of the European Union Office in Kosovo (EUOK) and Mr. Ron Krasniqi - Acting Head of Division for Policy Coordination - Department for European Integration, International Cooperation and Policy Coordination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also present at the meeting were: Col. Dejan Janković - Deputy General Director of Kosovo Police, Mr. Atdhe Dema - Prosecutor from Special Prosecution Office (SPO), representatives from various departments of MIA, including representatives from Police Inspectorate of Kosovo, KFA and KAPS. Among the consortium for the project, Ms. Naomi DOO-KINGUE - French Directorate for International cooperation and Security and the Security attachés from the Embassies of Italy and France. And other international partners (US Embassy, OSCE, CoE…etc.). The event was a showcase of the project achievements from March 2023 to March 2024, including views on the way forward, for the 3rd work plan, from April to July 2024. During the presentation of activities, it was underlined that in general, HAPE has made progress in supporting the main beneficiary institutions, namely, MIA, KP, relevant Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and SPRK, with the aim of increasing their capacities, to be in line with EU best practices and standards contributing to the strengthening the Rule of Law and the fight against organized crime in Kosovo.

- 23 April 2024: HAPE project organized jointly with EULEX mission in Kosovo a conference on environmental crime in Kosovo.

In the framework of the Earth Week, an awareness-raising conference on environmental crime, targeting Kosovo police officers and prosecutors, was held at Hotel Emerald, in Pristina. The head of EULEX mission, the deputy Head of the European Union in Kosovo, the Belgian ambassador and the Italian deputy ambassador, the acting Prosecutor General, the Deputy Minister of Environment, the Deputy Minister of Health, the EULEX Thematic Monitor on Environmental Crimes, the HAPE team Leader, representatives of the Kosovo Police and the Inspectorate of the Ministry of the Environment attended the event. It was an opportunity to exchange views and hear about best practices in Kosovo and also from structures for combating environmental crime in EU MS, with representatives of the Italian Carabinieri Center of Excellence for Environmental Protection of Sabaudia and the French Gendarmerie Command for the Environment and Health.

- 22 April 2024: One Italian expert supported the Kosovo Forensic Agency (KFA).

The KFA has competences to carry out all forensic investigations for the law enforcement agencies of Kosovo, and as it has received accreditation for ISO 1705:2018. The expert, with a preliminary assessment, will delineate clearly the technical training needs for the serology and DNA laboratory, the narcotics analysis laboratory, the dactyloscopy laboratory and the explosives analysis laboratory. As well as, the expert will provide support in drafting the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for technicians within the laboratories.

- 20 April 2024: In the framework of the review of the national strategic plan on the Rule of Law, one Italian expert supported the Kosovo Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Justice, in jointly drafting a policy document on the functioning of the Kosovo Police. Recommendations were provided for improving the functioning of KP.

- 19 April 2024: One French expert supported the review of the Kosovo draft law on weapons for its alignment with EU relevant directives. Comments and recommendations were provided for improving the draft law.

- 16 - 18 April 2024: HAPE project supported the attendance of a delegation of Kosovo Police for a forum on "Combating International Organized Crime" in Rome.

HAPE project supported the attendance of a delegation of Kosovo Police, led by the Director of the Department of Investigations, to the Italian Carabinieri College in Rome, for a Forum on "Combating International Organized Crime", organized by the European Centre for Security Studies - George C. Marshall. The Forum gathered high representatives of institutions from Europe, USA, and Latin America, judges, prosecutors, senior police officials, and security researchers from various prestigious universities, invited by the organizers to share a thorough presentation on the topic "Organized Crime in the Western Balkans and Regional Security". The event was a significant opportunity for the KP representatives to enhance their knowledge of the Organized crime groups (OCG), phenomena operating worldwide and to extend the network of contacts for Kosovo Police, with the view to enhance the fight against organized crime with the support of the EU institutions.

- 15 April 2024: One Italian expert, supported the review of the Kosovo draft law on the civil use of explosives for its alignment with EU relevant directives. Comments and recommendations were provided for improving the draft law.

- 24 March 2024: HAPE supported 2 KP police officers, for an operational meeting in the framework of a Joint investigation team (JIT), with the Federal Prosecution of Belgium, in Brussels.

- 21 March 2024: HAPE supported 1 KP officer, for a training on the Secure Information Exchange Network Application (SIENA) Channel, the secured information hub on crime at EUROPOL, in the HAGUE.

- 11 March – 4 May 2024: One French expert, assessed the training on trainers (ToTs) and on-the-job trainings (OJTs) curricula of the Kosovo Academy of Public Safety (KAPS) and of the Kosovo Police (KP), training department. After a mission of 6 weeks, an updated curricula and pedagogical tools will be proposed and delivered to the beneficiary counterparts.

- 04 – 08 March 2024: 2 Italian experts, support in drafting the first European terrorism situation and Trend report (TE-SAT) for Kosovo.

- 26 Feb – 01 March 2024: 3 Italian experts, assessment on technical needs for special investigations.

- 21 - 22 February 2024: accommodation for one police officer to attend the Coalition against Daesh communications Working group conference, in London.

- 22 January 2024: HAPE project aiming at seeking synergies joined in the workshop for public spaces and critical infrastructures protection organized by the EU Project Western Balkans 6.

Enhancing protection of public spaces and critical infrastructures in the Western Balkans, in Pristina, from the 22nd to the 26th of January 2024.

- 15 - 16 January 2024: accommodation of the Forensic team of the Kosovo Police for a meeting on organized crime cases, in Tirana with the Albanian State Police.