OUTCOME 1: Strengthened capacities and improved performance of MIA and its dependent institutions to effectively align with the EU acquis
OUTPUT 1: Institutional and Legal support to the reform of MIA in KOSOVO
1. Legal reform of MIA and LEAs in KOSOVO developed and proposed
2. Institutional reform of MIA and LEAs in KOSOVO developed and proposed
OUTCOME 2: Strengthened investigative and operational capacities of the KP and the KAPS, in the fight against organized crime, corruption, terrorism, cybersecurity, forensic, border management and migration, to increase public safety and security
OUTPUT 2: Enhance performance, investigations and operational capacities of LEAs in the areas of organized crime, corruption, terrorism, forensic, border management and migration
1. Strengthened investigation and operational capacities (including equipment), develop Joint Strategic Assessment (JSA) between KP & prosecution office and improved intelligence-led policing and risk analysis (with special reference to KP and the KAPS), in the areas of organized crime, corruption, terrorism, cybersecurity, forensic, border management and migration
2. Reinforcing operational capacities of judicial investigation services regarding financial crimes, including corruption and money laundering (in close coordination with existing programs)
3. Enhancing Joint Investigations Teams implementation and Cross Border Investigations with EU MS and agencies
4. Enhancing capacities, protection and identification of critical infrastructures, including cybersecurity
5. Enhancement of environmental crime investigations